Silver Light and Blue Sky

C# and Infrastructure. Code is everything.

Entries from 2018-01-01 to 1 year

The first Q# hands-on in OpenQL community

This is the 9th entry of the Q# Advent Calendar. We held the first Q# hands-on event in OpenQL community, which is open to the public and allowing anyone to learn about quantum computers and quantum programming, in…

My answers for Microsoft Q# coding contest warmup round

I have completed all problems of Microsoft Q# coding contest warmup round. Now you can see all problems. I have published my answers in my GitHub repo. The actual (not warmup) contest will run from July 6 - 9. cod…

short slides: Log in to a Linux VM in Azure using AAD authentication

I've uploaded short slides to introduce a new Linux on Azure feature. Log in to a Linux VM in Azure using AAD authentication from Takayoshi Tanaka The new feature is still in preview. Unlike LDAP Authe…